7 Keys to a Happy Life According to Islam
Muslimkaffah - What are the Keys to a Happy Life According to Islam?
1) Remain grateful
1. Be grateful for your blessings, including your current health and well-being.
2. Stop complaining and instead try to find what is right about the situation.
3. Reflect on your good fortune regularly and avoid regrets over missed opportunities, missed chances, or happy moments you failed to appreciate while they were happening.
4. Engage in activities that produce feelings of joy or gratitude, such as yoga, art or poetry writing, or simply gathering with friends for coffee or tea.
2) Avoid Gossip
Avoiding gossip is one of the more difficult commandments in Islam but can be done by thinking before you speak and addressing any issue with those directly involved. People should try not to discuss personal matters about other people or say anything about them that isn't needed for discussion.
If someone does hear gossip about someone else, it is advised that they do not discuss it. This is done by thinking of their own faults and shortcomings, realizing that everyone has them but you are striving not to. While it may be tempting to join in on gossip about others, it is best for Muslims to refrain from such talk. Remember, what you say can't be taken back! If it is negative or hurtful toward another person, seek forgiveness immediately and ask God's forgiveness.
3) Show compassion for others
Islam teaches us compassion and giving charity, so it's important to always be aware of those less fortunate than us. Every little act of kindness we do makes our world a better place. For example, if someone drops their ice cream cone, pick it up for them and give it back. Never steal from the homeless because you know how horrible that feels when someone does that to you. We need to work towards being more charitable and kinder people so that others will follow in our footsteps too!
4) Speak nicely about people
What does it mean when you say, to speak nicely about people? Islam teaches us that saying good things about people is an act of worship. When we say nice things about others, this spreads positive feelings in the community and promotes harmony. If we only focus on what is wrong with others and ignore their strengths and virtues, then our conversations become more negative in tone. Additionally, this negativity might even discourage the other person from doing more good work in the future!
5) Control your anger and forgive others
Islam teaches that everyone is imperfect, and forgiving someone else is an act of mercy. Letting go of your anger helps you keep your own anger under control, as well as help put you in the right frame of mind for worshiping God. Forgiveness does not mean condoning another person's behavior, but rather it means renouncing the feeling of anger or seeking revenge.
6) Set personal boundaries
Muslims believe that God has set up boundaries and rules for us so that we are not left at the mercy of our impulses. We are expected to live by these laws for two reasons: the first is obedience, because we believe that God made these boundaries for us. Secondly, this gives us freedom from addiction, depression, and other debilitating issues. As Muslims our highest goal in life is Jannah which can only be achieved through faith in Allah and his laws. It would be an act of disobedience if we did not follow them - when we come into Allah's presence on Judgment Day it will not be enough just to say I was trying. To avoid sinning we must enforce these boundaries ourselves
7) Help other people
1 - Do not envy other people. What Allah has given someone else is better for them than what he's given you. It's just not going to work out any other way, so focus on your blessings instead of being envious.
2 - Take care of the disabled and the old in your community. They are very important members of our society, but they often get forgotten about in some cultures or shunned completely by others. Make sure that if there are those around you who can't provide for themselves (or even worse) don't step on them because you're embarrassed to help them, or because they aren't worth it. You need all the good deeds you can manage if you're going to have a chance at heaven.
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