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Tafsir al-Baqarah verse 30, its relation to humans as caliphs of Allah on earth

MUSLIMKAFFAH-Tafsir al-Baqoroh verse 30, its relation to humans as caliphs of Allah on earth

The verse above is the Koran Surah al-Baqoroh verse 30 which has many views about the meaning in it, so that many parties have different views on its interpretation. Surat al-Baqoroh contains the assignment of humans on earth as caliphs who will take care of and protect the earth as the land of world life.

As for some of the views of interpretation from various leading commentaries which will be explained below, let's get straight to it:


the view of Tafsir al-Baqoroh according to the book of commentaries

 (And) remember, O Muhammad! (When your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed I want to make a caliph on earth") who will represent Me in carrying out My laws or regulations on him, namely Adam. (They said, "Why do you want to make people on earth who will do damage to it) that is by committing immorality (and shedding blood) means draining blood by way of killing as was done by the jinn who also inhabit the earth? When they have done damage, Allah sent angels to them, so they were thrown to the islands and to the mountains (even though we always glorify) meaning that we always say tasbih (by praising You) namely by reading 'subhaanallaah wabihamdih', which means 'Glory be to Allah and I praise you. Him'. (and purifies You) cleanses You of things that are not worthy of You. The lam letter in 'laka' is only an addition, while the sentence since 'though' functions as a 'thing' or indicates a situation. and the meaning is, 'even though we are more worthy to be appointed as caliphs!'" (Allah says,) ("Indeed I know what you do not know") about benefits or interests concerning the adoption of Adam and that among his descendants there are those who are obedient and some who are disobedient until it is proven and justice is seen between them. They replied, "God has never created a creature that is nobler and knows better than us, because we were first and saw what he did not see." So Allah the Exalted created Adam from the ground or layers of the earth by taking from every color or pattern a handful of objects, then He stirred with various kinds of water and then formed and breathed the spirit until it became a creature that can feel, after previously only frozen goods. and lifeless.

The angel then responded, "Our Lord did not create a creature that is nobler than us and knows better because of our earlier presence than him and our vision of what he does not see."

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Allah then created Adam from the surface of the earth. Allah "takes" handfuls of various colors of the earth's soil which are then mixed with different waters (don't confuse the meaning of water in the world). Allah then perfected and breathed the spirit on him and then he became a living being who felt after inanimate objects.

Tafsir Al-Baghowi, Ma'alimut Tanzil fit Tafsir wat Ta'wil, narrates, what the angels mean by "they" are the previous inhabitants of the earth. Allah created the heavens, the earth, the angels and the jinn. Then Allah placed the angels in the sky and the jinn on the earth. They then spread out and worshiped Allah for a long time on earth. But the disease of malice and transgression plagued them. They do mischief and kill.

Allah then sent an army of angels called “jinn” because they are the guardians of heaven. Their most intelligent leaders and leaders are demons. An army of angels named "jinn" descended to earth. They drove the jinn to the mountain valleys and islands in the middle of the sea. They then became inhabitants of the earth. Then they came down to earth. Allah grants lightening of worship for them. Allah gave the dominion of the earth, the heavens of the world, and the guardianship of the heavens. The devil sometimes worships Allah on earth, sometimes in the heavens, and sometimes in heaven. Then the disease of ujub entered into him. "Allah did not give this power except because I am the most noble of angels," said Satan in his heart. "(I want to make) create (caliphate) your replacement (on earth) and raise you to the sky," said Allah to Satan and his troops. Hearing God's plan, they seemed displeased. They are the lowest of angels in servanthood.

The caliph referred to here is Adam. He is called the caliph because he is a substitute for the jinn who came before him. Some interpret, Adam is called the caliph because he will also be replaced by someone else. What is clear, Adam is God's vicegerent on earth to enforce His provisions and carry out His commands. "(Do you want to make people who destroy) through immorality (and spilling blood) without rights as the jinn did (there?)" The angel's rebuttal is based on an existing analogy or qiyas. Without analogy, it can be understood that they do not know the unseen (future). As for the term "tasbih" in the Qur'an, said the friend of Ibn Abbas RA, it must be interpreted as praying. ("In fact, we sanctify Your name) by purification. Some scholars interpret, "We purify ourselves through worship as a form of obedience to You." The angel's rebuttal in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30, said Imam Al-Baghowi quoting some scholars of interpretation, does not mean opposition or ujub to their deeds, but refutation of wonder and seeking the wisdom of the answer behind God's plan. "(Allah said, 'Indeed, I am) Allah (knowing what you do not know,')" i.e. benefit in it. I know that among the descendants of Adam there are those who obey and worship Me, namely the prophets, the saints, and the scholars. Some scholars said, "I know that among you there are those who disobey Me, namely the Devil." Some other scholars, said Imam Al-Baghowi, said, "I know that people will sin and I forgive them." Imam Al-Baidhawi through his commentary, Anwarut Tanzil wa Asrarut Ta'wil, said, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30 implies a third blessing that includes all humans. The creation, glorification, and priority of Adam AS over the angels through Allah's command to them to prostrate to him is a general blessing for the descendants of Adam AS. In Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30, Allah's revelation of His plan to make caliphs to angels is useful as a form of teaching deliberation, glorifying substances that will be created. Allah's answer to the angels shows that wisdom requires the creation of creatures (humans) who are more good because leaving a lot of good just because there is a little bad is such a big bad thing.

The angel's rebuttal in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30, said Imam Al-Baidhawi, does not mean opposing God Almighty or accusing the shortcomings of Prophet Adam AS for backbiting, but refuting astonishment and seeking the wisdom behind God's plan. Angels, said Imam Al-Baidhawi, know that the creatures who will be appointed as caliphs of Allah have three core powers, namely the power of lust and the power of ghadhab that brings mafsadat and bloodshed; and the power of reason that leads them to knowledge and obedience. Imam Ibn Kathir, quoting Al-Qurtubi, said that the refutation of angels does not show their opposition to Allah or merely their envy towards humans. "I will make prophets and messengers whom I have sent to mankind from the descendants of Adam (as) himself. In their midst there are also the as-shiddiqin, martyrs, pious people, abid, ascetic people, saints, abrar groups, muqarrabins, amilin scholars, those who are solemn, people who have extraordinary blessings to Me, and the followers of My messengers," said Imam Ibn Kathir. Imam Ibn Kathir quoted a valid hadith narrating, Rasulullah SAW said, "Angels ascend to the sky carrying the deeds of His servants on earth. Allah asked them even though He knew better, 'How did you leave My servants?' They replied, 'We came to them. They are praying. We left them. They are also praying.' Angels come to us one after another (bringing human deeds day and night). They are present at the morning and asr prayers. A group of them remained on earth. While another group went up carrying human deeds." Rasulullah SAW, quoted Ibn Kathir as saying, "There are angels who are in charge of raising the deeds of the human night to Allah before the day comes and the deeds of the human day before the night comes. Their answer, “We came to them. They are praying. We left them. They are also praying," is the interpretation of the end of Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30.

Khilafah Issue

Imam Al-Qurtubi, as quoted by Imam Ibn Kathir, used Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30 as a proof for the obligation to form a government (caliphate) to stop disputes, decide disputes in the community, prosecute wrongdoers for the rights of the oppressed, enforce the law. , sanctioning heinous acts, and solving other important issues that would not have been possible without government. The formation of a government (caliphate) can be carried out based on texts, appointment, succession through succession, deliberation by pious people, ahlul halli wal aqdi agreement, allegiance, or forced submission. The government, said Imam Ibn Kathir, must be male, mature, intelligent, Muslim, have integrity, have intellectual qualities as a mujtahid, have alert eyesight, have complete and functioning organs, master the science of warfare, a number of scholars say bloody Even though the Quraysh were not required by the Bani Hasyim and were not required to be infallible as the extreme Shia groups (Ghulat) and Rafidhah.

If the government or the imam commits a wicked act, the ulema have different opinions regarding the impeachment, said Imam Ibn Kathir. But the opinion of the saheeh says, he is not impeached based on the authentic hadith, "unless you see that he is a real disbeliever." As for the establishment of two or even more governments, Imamat, (caliphate) on the face of the earth, scholars have different opinions. Some scholars say it is not permissible to form two or more governments (caliphates). Imam Haramain from Abu Ishaq, said Imam Ibn Kathir, mentioned the permissibility of establishing two or even more legitimate governments when an area is too wide or far from each other such as the Abbasid caliphate in Iraq, the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt, and the Umayyad dynasty. at Maghrib at the same time. The campaign of the caliphate support group which later voiced the unity of Muslims under a single leadership, one caliph, and made Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30 as its argument is a one-sided claim on one interpretation view, a decline in the way of thinking, and violates the sunnatullah related to the diaspora of society that has been around since then. In the past, the leadership caliphs were not single because of distance problems and so on. It is too naive to use Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30 as a proof for the establishment of a caliphate under a single leadership as propaganda for solving the problems of Muslims. In fact, since the caliphs of ancient times, the leadership of Muslims is not single. Thus, the government in any part of the world that is formed by Muslims today can be called a form of carrying out the obligations of nashbul imam, nashbul imamain, or nashbul a'immah. That way, there is no intention to replace the Indonesian state system, for example with a caliphate state or an Islamic state with a single leadership because there is no standard concept related to a state based on a caliphate besides Indonesia and other countries founded by Muslims have substantially fulfilled the obligations of Nashbul Imamat. . Wallahu a'lam.

Reference : Muslimcreed

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