5 Life Lessons We Can Learn from the Story of Prophet Ayub
Muslimkaffah-All of us have experienced challenging times in our lives, and some of us are still going through them. It can be difficult to find the strength to persevere through those difficult moments, but we are all able to find hope and strength in the inspirational stories of the Prophets that Allah sent to guide humanity out of darkness and into the light of Islam. One such Prophet was Ayub (Job), who endured immense pain and suffering throughout his life, but remained steadfast in his faith that Allah would reward him with good health and happiness once again.
Lesson 1: Do not despair in difficult times
Don't despair when you're going through hard times! And don't give up on life. When we go through tough times, it doesn't mean that God is punishing us. Rather, it's for our good so that we can be humbled and refined.
Ayub had a lesson to learn, and he was brought to teach us how not to be disturbed by adversity and to take it as an opportunity for growth. He stood by his convictions no matter what happened.
He refused to give up on life. Despite his affliction, he woke up every morning and thanked God for all He had blessed him with. When we feel down, it's easy to focus on what is lacking in our lives instead of being grateful for what we have.
Lesson 2: Have hope in Allah’s plan
When all hope seems lost, we must remember that Allah is with us at all times and will never leave our side. As a believer, there are many passages in the Quran that teach us to have faith and patience when we are faced with hardship. Prophet Ayub, who was mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf verse 26, is a perfect example of someone who had immense faith despite facing incredible challenges. Verily my Lord! You give life to (the dead) and You are its Governor as well. So set me among those who call upon You, verily you only respond to those who truly make invocation unto You, said Ayub in his prayer asking for protection and sustenance.
Having hope in Allah is a crucial lesson we can learn from Ayub’s story. No matter how hard our situation may seem, if we have faith in Allah and remain patient, He will certainly make things easier for us.
Lesson 3: Be thankful for everything
One lesson that comes from this story is to be thankful for everything that we have in life. No matter what our circumstance, we should always be grateful for what Allah (SWT) has given us. Allah (SWT) rewards those who are grateful with a much better fate than if they had been ungrateful, as Allah (SWT) tells us in the Quran: Indeed, it is He who begins creation; then repeats it; and then will repeat it yet again.
One way to be thankful for everything we have is to take a look at what we would have if it weren’t for Allah (SWT). The reminder that life could be worse should make us truly grateful for what we do have. We can thank Allah (SWT) in two main ways: verbally and with action. Verbal thanksgiving doesn’t just mean saying thank you, but also saying things like I am thankful that you provided me with shelter when I had nothing, and fed me when I was hungry, and clothed me when I had no clothes to wear. An action-based thanksgiving involves donating to charity or volunteering your time.
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Lesson 4: Accept Allah’s decree
No! My grief is too great, and I can no longer bear to live! But take comfort in this thought: Allah did not create you for naught. He fashioned you, gave you your hearing and sight, your tongue and all your limbs. Surely, if He willed to remove them or cause them pain, He would have done so.
This lesson can teach us that even though we are sad it's better to remember Allah wants what is best for us. This can be very comforting in times when everything seems hopeless. It teaches us to put our trust in Allah that there must be a reason for this difficulty and that it won't last forever.
Allah loves those who are patient and persevering. And Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. And indeed, Allah does what He wills. Surely, you will be tested in your wealth and your lives. And you will hear from those to whom were given The Book before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse.
Lesson 5: Remember that Allah knows better than we do
People often look for shortcuts to get around difficulties in life. When a problem arises, instead of coming up with a solution, we’ll try to find a way out. The result is that we miss an opportunity to come closer to Allah and build our faith through our struggles. Allah may not provide an easy fix for every difficulty but He does offer an ease and peace that’s more than worth it!
As we continue to battle those difficulties, we have to remember that Allah knows better than we do. He’s got our best interests at heart and is guiding us toward success. It can be difficult to always remember that He’s in control when things aren’t going our way, but it’s an incredibly important lesson that will help us come closer to Him in all areas of life. The greatest reward for enduring trials with patience is closeness with Allah . . . so don’t give up!
resource : muslimcreed
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