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words of patience about a meaningful life

MuslimKaffah-In life everyone must have a dream that they want to always strive for even though the path is never really easy. To get what we want, apart from fighting, of course, we also need patience so we don't give up easily when things don't go our way.

If you are fighting for whatever you think is good in your life, be patient and don't give up. Maybe the next step will get you to your destination and maybe the next attempt will be successful. Instill in yourself, you never struggle alone. Others do it for a better life.

Talk to other people when you are tired and need a friend. Besides that, to make your spirit come back again, there's nothing wrong with reading something good that will direct you to never give up on life.

Here you can read and reflect on 40 patient words about an inspiring and meaningful life that we have summarized:

Words of Patience About Inspirational Life

1. "Be wise in your waiting period, later you will be amazed how God brought you together with your soul mate."

2. "Sincerely accept mistakes, and learn from every mistake because it will make you stronger and tougher in living life."

3. "With patience we gain more than our strength."

4. "Be patient, you can't do everything yourself. For things that are beyond your reach, you have to learn to be patient and let go."

5. "Try with a hope that you dream of, and accompany the effort with patience and sincerity."

6. "Complaining will not improve the situation so be enthusiastic for today! Live it sincerely and full of patience."

7. "Patience is a high-level science. Study every day, practice all the time, exams are often sudden, school for life."

8. "Be patient, because patience is a pillar of faith."

9. "Sometimes trials come our way, so that we become more patient and sincere people to face everything."

10. "Keep smiling when you are sad and forgive when you are disappointed, because Allah likes people who are able to be patient when facing trials."


Words of Patience About a Meaningful Life

11. "O Allah, hug me so that my heart can feel calm and peaceful! Take away my crying so that I can feel patient and sincere!"

12. "We may dream as we please but not because the dream has not been achieved so you despair."

13. "Don't go on what shouldn't be good for you. Let it go its way."

14. "Patience and sincerity are the only great sincerity."

15. "You can only pray to God, hopefully behind all the trouble there is happiness."

16. "Beware of desperate steps. The darkest day, live until tomorrow, the dark day will pass."

17. "Even if I have to fight again, my body will be more resilient if you accompany me."

18. "Letting go does not mean giving up, but realizing that there are things that cannot be forced."

19. "Sometimes people claim to be patient, when in fact they give up on a problem without trying to find a solution."

20. "Honesty is born from a heart because it is sincere with the reality that will happen to us later."

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Patient Words About Life That Make Your Heart Calm

21. "But, truly whoever is patient and persevering will bloom like a flower, will be beautiful as a full moon, and wondrous like a butterfly.

22. “When things are too difficult to handle, step back and count the blessings you have earned.”

23. "Never imagine the pain of a sincere person's heart, no matter how hard you try to hurt him, it will only make him stronger to be grateful."

24. "The best opportunities always come while patiently waiting."

25. "I searched for all forms of sustenance, but found no better sustenance than patience."

26. "A strong and patient person is a person who is able to hide his sad feelings from others and always makes a sincere smile."

27. "Strong people are not those who always win. But those who stay strong when they fall."

28. "There's no time to complain. Be patient, be sincere, then move on with your life."

29. "Since we want the beauty and happiness of life, make patience as a friend, and sincerity as a step reinforcement."

30. "Stay strong even though others fall. Keep smiling even though this struggle feels bitter and winding."

Patient Words About Life That Make You Stronger

31. "The secret of patience is to do things in uncertainty but full of hope."

32. "How noble is a patient and sincere soul, who believes in the coming of God-given happiness."

33. "Sincerity will make you stronger."

34. "Since we want happiness and success, since then patience becomes our obligation."

35. "Happiness comes with patience and happiness goes with sincerity."

36. "Be patient, your heart will slowly improve after that."

37. "Patience is part of faith. Remember, only part of it, yes! The rest is a headache."

38. "Because patience calms the soul, sincerity reconciles the heart. Patience and sincerity teach us the meaning of 'understanding'."

39. "If patience paid off, I might be a billionaire.

40. "Life will be a blessing if it is lived sincerely, patiently, full of gratitude and never wants to harm others." 

Reference : muslimcreed

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